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Individualized Analysis

Here at Vortex Vitality Clinic, we use a variety of means to develop a package right for you. We begin by having you define and clarify your health goals and what you would like to gain from these treatments. We then conduct a standard medical evaluation, establishing a safety baseline.

After which, we choose the correct combination of therapies to help you meet these goals. We use tools such as laboratory testing, personalized health history interviews, and applied kinesiology exams.

In addition to the treatments offered here at Vortex Vitality Clinic, our concierge services can create an immersive experience for you that draws from the many healing modalities Tulum has to offer.

Individualized Packages

Our signature service is our individualized packages that draw on all of the services Vortex has to offer. The heart of these treatments our are Regenerative therapies;


Elevate your natural beauty to new heights with our specialized stem cell therapy. Designed to rejuvenate your skin from within, this package promotes a radiant complexion, enhances skin elasticity, and reduces signs of aging, giving you a refreshed, youthful appearance.


Unleash your full physical potential with our Performance stem cell therapy. Tailored for individuals seeking to enhance their physical capabilities, this package aims to improve endurance, strength, and recovery times, propelling you towards peak performance levels.


Turn back the clock with our Anti-Aging stem cell therapy. Focused on revitalizing your body at the cellular level, this package aims to slow the aging process, boost vitality, and improve overall health and longevity, helping you feel younger and more vibrant.

Neurological Reset

Restore and rejuvenate your brain's health with our Neurological Reset stem cell therapy. This package is designed to enhance cognitive function, memory, and mood stability, offering a comprehensive approach to neurological wellness and mental clarity.

Ultimate self-care

Indulge in the ultimate expression of self-love with our comprehensive stem cell therapy. Combining elements from our other packages, this all-encompassing treatment focuses on total body rejuvenation, aiming to enhance your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


Purify your body and mind with our Detox stem cell therapy. This package is specifically formulated to eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation, and restore your body's natural balance, leading to improved energy levels, a stronger immune system, and a healthier lifestyle.
Discover ZenSoul

We prioritize natural holistic care

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What we do

Restore your health, vitality, and enduring equilibrium with comprehensive, holistic methodologies.

Peter Bowman

Creative Director

Individual approach

Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative Medicine is the future of medicine. Rather than seeking to control symptoms and shut down the body’s natural processes, it enables the body to heal and regenerate, aligning with chiropractic philosophy and other vitalistic modalities.

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Tulum —
Palenque Mza. La Veleta, 77780 

Vortex Vitality © 2024. All rights reserved.